Marie Would Like To Thank:
Karl Engemann, Marty Singer, Cliff Maag, Darla Sperry, Jerry Williams, Kim Goodwin, Maria Gomez, Staci Michelle Virga.
My children:
Stephen James & Rachael Lauren for great background vocals along with Mekenna Bree who's like one of my kids.
And, Stephen James - thank you for writing your mom a great single record!
Donny Would Like To Thank:
John Ferriter, Eric Gardner, Eric Weissler, Peter Stoll, Leslie Harker, Amber Hamilton, Sandra Lueras, ALori Slagle.
Everyone at
Naveen Jain, Deb Wallace, Caroline Mickler, Bryan Kim, Alana Miller, Tara Manasse, Tal Flanchraych.
My son, my photographer - Brandon Osmond.
Cliff Maag's magic vocal Maag Triad box!, Gred Ondo, Ben James and everone at Steinberg / Yamaha. Staci Michelle Virga, Tina Salmon, Lynn Robinett.
To my lovely wife Debbie, my children and grandkids....BawPa loves you.
Donny And Marie Would Like To Thank:
On the US side:
John Hecker, John Titta, Buddy Cannon, Daniel Savage, John Ferriter, Chip Lightman and the late Danny Gans, Don Marrandino & Laura Ishum and everyone at Flamingo Las Vegas, George Hadowanetz/Cashman photo.
On The UK side:
Dickon Stainer, Rebecca Allen, Mark Wilkison Judith Mellor, and Oliver Harrop.