The Brady Bunch Hour was an American variety television series produced by Sid and Marty Krofft in association with CBS Television Distribution, which aired on ABC between 1976 to 1977. The series starred the original cast members of The Brady Bunch, with the exception of Eve Plumb, who was replaced by Geri Reischl. The show began as a 60-minute special titled The Brady Bunch Variety Hour on November 28, 1976. This special led to eight additional 60 minute episodes produced and aired as The Brady Bunch Hour from January to May 1977.
The Brady Bunch Variety Hour - November 28, 1976
Donny and Marie Osmond appeared on the pilot episode of the Brady Bunch Varety Hour which aired on November 28, 1976. They were part of a sketch called Ratsie's Rollerama and played Donzie and Marie. They sang Splish Splash with Maureen McCormick and Barry Williams.
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